The Unschooling Scarys!

Is your brain like mine, misbehaving again?

The same old topics probably, scaring you silly?

Curriculum, Socialisation (yep again), Unlimited Gaming, Handwriting, and er, Fortnite!

Forget the Sunday Scarys, here’s the Unschooling Scarys!

The Temptations of Curriculum

It’s happened again!

Every so often I stop seeing my childrens’ contentment, focus and learning in everything they are already doing, and revert back to thinking they’re not ‘doing enough’…

Can I Accept My Kids Are Just Not ‘Joiners’?

Generally, my kids are just not ‘joiners’, or group people really.

Been finding this out since starting unschooling.


My kids always knew.

But it’s taken a while (nearly three years) for me to listen…

What’s It Like To Grow Up With Unlimited Video Gaming?

Any unschoolers with children gaming many hours a day?!

Despite being a believer in the learning benefits of playing video games, can’t deny that I still retain some murky concerns, stubbornly lodged in my hard wiring…

Handwrite Your Own Way!

My son, who’s ten, has handwritten almost nothing, since starting home educating.

He said that when he handwrites, he feels stressed. He said it comes from school, and trying to make his writing neat. Trying to do it in the way the teachers wanted…

Should Fortnite Be Banned?!

The issue of whether Fortnite should be banned, recently discussed on Good Morning Britain, highlights what I think is a growing quandary we have in society. To do with a process that is already underway, that there’s no point resisting. But its one that mainstream parenting hasn’t yet really acknowledged.

Why are parents and teachers are still trying to control children? In almost every way we can think of?..